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AgileSwarming 2024: Unleashing Your Inner Superhero Leader

Wow, what a whirlwind! AgileSwarming 2024 was a blast of inspiration, sparking countless conversations about what it truly means to lead in today's fast-paced tech world.

Whether you're an IT manager, a Scrum Master, or a Product Owner, leadership is a core part of your role. But did you know, according to Daniel Goleman, there are six distinct leadership styles? This got us all thinking:

  1. Which style is the "right" one?
  2. Do different roles require different approaches?
  3. Should we stick to just one style, or mix and match?

As we all know, the tech world isn't exactly known for its simplicity. In this complex domain, there are no easy answers. Leadership is about adapting, evolving, and ultimately, finding your own unique path. It's about wearing many faces, like a superhero with a whole arsenal of masks!

During my workshop, "Leader – Superhero's Faces," we had a chance to explore those different faces. Here's what we did together:

  1. Building your Tower of Power: Discover the foundation of effective leadership in the complex world of tech.
  2. Management 3.0: Learn how to manage systems, not just people, for maximum impact.
  3. Leadership Styles in Action: Unpack each leadership style, understand its strengths, and learn when it's the perfect tool for the job.
  4. The Modern Superhero Leader: What does it mean to be a truly transformative leader in today's environment?
  5. Your Superhero Origin Story: Reflect on your own leadership journey and envision the kind of leader you want to become.

Thank you for having me, AgileSwarming!