Forward Summit 2022

Konferencja MGT 3.0 Forward Summit

The three-day "Forward Summit" conference organized by Management 3.0 concluded today. Due to the pandemic, it was once again held online. The conference featured six thematic tracks, with over thirty speakers delivering lectures:

  • Engage & Motivate, 
  • Management 3.0, 
  • Team, 
  • Happiness & Wellbeing, 
  • Future Leaders, 
  • Agile & Change. 

I had the pleasure of presenting my topic, titled: “ Fast track to be an employer of choice (and double eNPS) in the “Happiness & Wellbeing” path. During the presentation, I shared insights from a case study detailing my collaboration with a management team consisting of 24 managers from an IT company. We focused on:

  • Identifying of stages in the employee's "life cycle"
  • Defining metrics to measure employee satisfaction, including eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score)
  • Implementing the best ideas and actions to enhence employee engagement.

I discussed not only the products and effects of our work, which ultimately led to an improvement in eNPS from -8 to +34, but also the broader impact of our efforts on the entire company: