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  • “7 Steps to Destroy an Agile Transformation” – A provocative lecture at Agile Swarming 2023

“7 Steps to Destroy an Agile Transformation” – A provocative lecture at Agile Swarming 2023

On April 19-20, I had the honour to once again speak at the Agile Swarming conference. This year’s theme, “AGILE – HOW not TO DO IT”, inspired me to prepare a provocative lecture entitled “7 Steps to Destroy an Agile Transformation”.

As Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.” This is a timeless truth, yet my observations show that mistakes are often repeated in Agile transformations. However, they can be identified and classified.

During the presentation, I guided the participants through the seven most common mistakes I observed both as a transformation consultant and as a participant in many agile transformations. Among them were:

  1. Lack of Vision: The absence of a clearly defined goal and direction for the transformation.
  2. Lack of Metrics: The absence of measurable indicators to track progress and identify problems.
  3. Lack of Inspection: The absence of regular evaluation and adaptation of processes based on collected data.
  4. Silos Instead of Teamwork: Isolated teams instead of cross-functional collaboration.
  5. Lack of or Misunderstood Empowerment: Lack of or improper delegation of authority and responsibility.
  6. Insufficient Skills and Abilities: Insufficient development of competencies necessary for effective work in an Agile environment.
  7. Frequent Context Switching: Frequent changes in context that disrupt focus and work efficiency.

During my lecture, I discussed these common mistakes in detail, sharing specific real-life examples and practical tips on how to recognize and effectively counteract them.


I hope that my presentation – although short – provided participants with valuable information and inspiration for further improvement of their Agile transformations, and also allowed them to avoid pitfalls that can undermine efforts related to Agile transformations. 


Thank you for having me, AgileSwarming!