This article introduces the Change Management Game cards, a tool designed to help leaders and change agents navigate the complexities of implementing change. Whether you're planning a new initiative, reflecting on progress, or simply seeking inspiration, these cards can be a valuable asset.
Who should be interested in Change Management Game cards?
The cards are intended especially for leaders and change agents who want to improve their skills or discuss the progress of change implementation. They can also be used by people involved in carrying out the change and treated as an aid when planning the change process, as well as a checklist or inspiration during subsequent transformation steps.
How were the Change Management Game cards created?
The Change Management Game was initially published in Jurgen Appelo's book "How to change the world". In this book, Appelo described "The Change Management 3.0 Supermodel", which he built from four other well-known change models and described as follows:
1. Dance with the System – using PDCA model,
2. Pay attention to People – using ADKAR model,
3. Stimulate The Network – using the Adoption Curve model,
4. Change the Environment – using The Four "I" model (which he expanded to the Five Is).
As a result, the “Change Management Supermodel 3.0” looks like this:

The "Change Management Supermodel 3.0" in the "Change the Environment" section has been expanded from the four Is originally described by Mark Van Vugt (information, identity, institutions, and incentives), to five Is, where the fifth and last "I" is Infrastructure.
What is Change Management Game?
The Change Management Game consists of 34 cards. On each card we will find a question that Appelo asked in the book and to which he also answers in it. However, the game itself does not provide these answers, it only asks questions to encourage us to self-reflect. Questions make us take a step back, look inward, and delve deeper into why we do what we do. The game is also a fun way to share stories of successful change management processes.
The game includes the four change models described above. Questions are assigned to these models and marked with four different colors:
- Dance with the System – using PDCA model, in green:

- Pay attention to People – using ADKAR model, in yellow:

- Stimulate the Network – using Adoption Curve model, in red:

- Change the environment – using "Five I" model, in purple:

How to play Change Management Game cards?
The game includes four change models, marked with four different colors. You can choose whether you want to use one, two or all of them to play - it's up to you!
As I wrote earlier, the cards can be treated as an aid when planning the change process, as well as a checklist or inspiration during subsequent transformation steps.
There are many ways to play this game:
• When you start a new change project, simply put the cards on the table and go through a few of them. Can everyone on the team answer the questions on the cards?
• During retrospectives, use the questions on the cards to reflect on what went well and where there is room for improvement? Have you worked hard on certain issues? Have you taken everything into account?
• Use the cards for yourself as a leader or change agent to reflect on the change you are working on.
• At workshops and conferences, use the questions on the cards to start sharing experiences. Game participants are then asked to tell each other stories of successful changes, both from their own experience and that of others. They tell their stories based on the questions they see before them.
You can download and print Change Management Game cards from the website Change Management Game Management 3.0 ( You can also use them while working remotely thanks to the ready-made board in Miro Change Management Game by Management 3.0, Visual Workspace for Innovation (
Change Management Game is a part of Training: Agile change leadership workshop - Agile Studio - Luiza Lipień.